Silent hill: Homecoming Boss Guide (from Gamershell)

Table of Contents ================================================================= Please use the Find function in your web browser and type in the numbers listed in parenthesis to quickly find what you are looking for. I. Introduction (1000) II. Combat Techniques (2000) 2a. Dodging (2001) 2b. Counterattacking (2002) 2b. Melee Attacks (2003) 2c. Firearms (2004) 2d. Stomp of Doom (2005) III. Weaponry (3000) 3a. Knife (3001) 3b. Steel Pipe (3002) 3c. Fireaxe (3003) 3d. Crowbar (3004) 3e. Circular Saw (3005) 3f. Handgun (3006) 3g. Shotgun (3007) 3h. Rifle (3008) 3i. Laser Pistol (3009) IV. Enemies (4000) 4a. Nurses (4001) 4b. Swarm (4002) 4c. Lurker (4003) 4d. Feral Dogs (4004) 4e. Smog (4005) 4f. Needler (4006) 4g. Schism (4007) 4h. Siam (4008) 4i. Order Soldiers (4009) V. Bosses (5000) 5a. Sepulcher (5001) 5b. Scarlet (5002) 5c. Asphyxia (5003) 5d. Curtis (5004) 5e. Amnion (5005) VI. Contact Info (6000) VII. Copyright/FAQ Usability Note (7000) NOTE: This guide was written with the standard 'Normal' mode difficulty in mind. While this guide can be used for tactics on Hard mode, actual hits it may take to defeat a boss may vary. ================================================================= I. INTRODUCTION (1000) ================================================================= Silent Hill: Homecoming marks the first Silent Hill title to be released on the PlayStation 3. Being developed by a new company, Double Helix Games, many diehard Silent Hill fans were concerned about how scary the game would be, and most importantly - how scary the monsters would be! I believe it is safe to say that the monsters and bosses in Homecoming are just as terrifying as we've come to know from all the previous Silent Hill games. Each monster and boss for their matter has their own strength and weaknesses, and this guide is here to help you perfect your strategies against all enemies, especially when using melee combat. ================================================================= II. COMBAT TECHNIQUES (2000) ================================================================= You will undoubtedly be spending most of your time using a melee weapon in combat, and at times also a firearm to deal with your enemies. As such, it's important to master the combat controls and the most important button of all: the dodge button. ----------------------------------- 2a. DODGING (2001) ----------------------------------- Dodging is executed by pressing the O (Circle) button. A successfully timed dodge will allow you to evade an enemy's strike, and counterattack with your own strike by quickly following up with the X or [] (Square) button. Depending on where you move the analog stick in junction with the Circle button, you will dodge in that direction. It is also possible to parry enemy attacks by pressing the Circle button almost immediately before the enemy would have hit you. While not as effective as a well-timed dodge, it is the games way of rewarding you for a near-miss block. ----------------------------------- 2b. COUNTERATTACKING (2002) ----------------------------------- Counterattacking is executed immediately by pressing X or Square after a successful dodge. Dodging and counterattacking is an effective strategy against most monsters, especially bosses, as it can usually lead to combos in a more vunerable point on a monster. For example, dodging and countering a Siam or Needler in the back is very effective. Most monsters are vunerable to back attacks and dodging + counterattacking is the way to do it. ----------------------------------- 2c. MELEE ATTACKS (2003) ----------------------------------- Melee can be executed in 2 forms: a light attack (X) and a heavy attack (Square). Light attacks are quick and may temporarily disorient an enemy but will not stun them or knock them back. Depending on the weapon, there is a set amount of consecutive light attacks possible; however at the end of a light attack combo, a heavy attack can be used to finish off the chain. Heavy attacks are capable of stunning and knocking back an enemy, and can even lead to a fatality-type attack in which Alex instantly kills the enemy. Heavy attacks can be 'charged' by holding down Square, doing do will usually knock the enemy over or stun them depending on health and allow you to finish them off with another press of Square. However a fully charged heavy attack is hard to pull off. ----------------------------------- 2d. FIREARMS (2004) ----------------------------------- As you probably expect, firearms are the long-range weaponry of the game. Firearms will not be used as much as you might expect due to the low hold capacity rate Alex has. However firearms are very useful when dealing with multiple enemies or your health is very low without recovery items. Firearms are readied with the L2 button and fired with the R2 button. A weapon bash can be performed by pressing X while the weapon is readied. It will take some time to get used to the firearm controls if you primarily use melee weapons. Unlike melee weapons, aiming for vital spots is important. I will list some enemy weak points in the monster sections. ----------------------------------- 2e. STOMP OF DOOM (2005) ----------------------------------- Yes the infamous Stomp of Doom has returned in Homecoming but unfortunately to my understanding it can only be used to squish Swarm enemies. ================================================================= III. WEAPONRY (3000) ================================================================= ----------------------------------- MELEE WEAPONS ----------------------------------- ************************************* 3a. THE KNIFE (3001) Quickness: 5/5 Power: 2/5 Overall: 5/5 (The best melee weapon) ************************************* The good old Combat Knife. Usually the knife is always seen as a 'last resort' weapon with very weak damage, but surprisingly, the knife is probably the best melee weapon in Homecoming. The knife, while fairly weak, its rapid slashes and quick heavy attacks allow you to keep almost any enemy at bay. As you will come to see in the Enemy/Boss sections, the knife will appear almost every time for recommended weapon. View the sections below for some tactics with the knife against various enemies. The knife is also used for 'Cut'. The upgrade to the knife is the Ceremonial Dagger automatically obtained later in the game, however I am not sure of any noticable differences between it and the regular combat knife. ************************************* 3b. THE STEEL PIPE (3002) Quickness: 3/5 Power: 3/5 Overall: 3/5 ************************************* What's a Silent Hill game without the trusty Steel Pipe? In Homecoming the Steel Pipe is the second melee weapon you will obtain in the game. It is a fairly balanced melee weapon all across the board. Once you master the knife you will most likely not use the pipe, and you'll probably use the Fireaxe or Crowbar when you need a stronger weapon, so unfortunately the pipe doesn't get too much loving in the usefulness department. The pipe is also used for 'Pry'. ************************************* 3c. THE FIREAXE (3003) Quickness: 2/5 Power: 4/5 Overall: 4/5 ************************************* The Fireaxe is the 'powerful but slow' melee weapon of the game. Being effective with the Fireaxe can actually be a challenge as enemies will counterattack you during the slow swings, especially when charging up a heavy attack. However if you land it, the damage dealt is devastating. The Fireaxe is also used for 'Hack'. An upgrade, Pulaski Axe is in a truck just outside the Prison entrance, it provides greater power than the Fireaxe. ************************************* 3d. THE CROWBAR (3004) Quickness: 3/5 Power: 3.5/5 Overall: 3.5/5 ************************************* The Crowbar is a hidden weapon in 'Hell's Decent' that can be missed for the entire game. Its main purpose is to make the Scarlet fight a lot easier, but I also consider it in the middle of the Steel Pipe and Fireaxe in terms of effectiveness. If you obtain it, I would recommend using it when not using the knife. The weapon also replaces the Steel Pipe completely. ************************************* 3e. CIRCULAR SAW (3005) Quickness: 1/5 Power: 4.5/5 Overall: 2/5 ************************************* The Circular Saw is obtained in the Garage of Alex's house ONLY after you've completed the game once. Unfortunately the weapon is very slow and even for its power, doesn't make up for the beatings you will receive in counterattacks from the monsters. I do not recommend using this weapon much besides the entertaining effect of hitting things with a chainsaw. ----------------------------------- FIREARMS ----------------------------------- ************************************* 3f. HANDGUN (3006) ************************************* The Handgun is automatically obtained from Curtis shortly after exiting the Graveyard. While not incredibly powerful, knowing where to aim can make the difference of 5-6 bullets and 2 bullets. The Chrome Hammer pistol upgrade can be found in the graveyard behind some boards. Requires the Fireaxe. ************************************* 3g. SHOTGUN (3007) ************************************* The Shotgun is automatically obtained from Wheeler in the Sheriff's Station. The shotgun allows a greater deal of aiming freedom, and can kill most monsters in 1-2 shots with a near direct shot to an up-close monster. Can be upgraded to a Bluesteel Shotgun which is found in the father's basement room in the Shephard's house. ************************************* 3h. RIFLE (3008) ************************************* The Rifle is an optional weapon that you can obtain either at the Silent Hill Cemetery after discovering all 3 gems, or obtaining the Police Rifle in the final area in one of the rooms. The Rifle is in the middle between the handgun and the shotgun fired at close range. It's a hassle to get and is not important to complete the game at all. The Police Marksman Rifle is found in the last area, in one of the rooms. ************************************* 3i. LASER PISTOL (3009) ************************************* This hidden weapon is obtained after completing the game and seeing the UFO ending. The weapon is located in Joshua's room in subsequent playthroughs. It has unlimited ammo and can defeat most enemies in just a few hits. Because of how powerful this weapon is, and how easily it dispatches enemies, it will obviously not be included as a recommended weapon. ================================================================= IV. ENEMIES (4000) ================================================================= --------------------------------------------- 4a. NURSE (4001) --------------------------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Knife, Handgun The Nurses are surprisingly the first enemy you will encounter in the game. The best offense is the best defense against Nurses, as they can be relentless in attacks if you give them an opening. The first weapon you'll even be able to use against them is the Knife, which generally is the best melee weapon to use. Do the full X (x3) + Square knife combo that ends with the spin slash. Do not attempt to do a charged heavy strike or you will almost always be countered before you can finish it. The final heavy attack will send the nurse slightly back, causing her counter-slash to miss you. At this point, simply repeat the combo and you will easily kill her without taking any damage. Later on you will fight them again while you possess a handgun. There are a few instances where you will fight many of them at one time (up to 4 at one point!) The handgun comes in handy here, as you probably could have expected from their humanoid appearance, aiming for the head is the most damage. 2 bullets from the handgun should bring one down. --------------------------------------------- 4b. SWARM (4002) --------------------------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Knife, Stomp of Doom The swarm enemies are more of a nuisance than a real threat. They will always come in numbers of about 3-4 at once. While on the ground, ready your weapon and press X near one to do the infamous Stomp of Doom for an instant kill. If they hover near you, slash them with your knife. If they manage to latch onto you, mash Circle then press the button that appears on screen for a split second to throw them to the ground and kill it. --------------------------------------------- 4c. LURKER (4003) --------------------------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Knife, Circular Saw, Crowbar Lurkers may seem intimidating but are actually weak enemies and can be killed off very quickly. Their main weakness is their head, to quickly dispatch with the knife: X (2x) + Square followed by an X + Square will bring down a Lurker with no damage taken. In later playthroughs, the Circular Saw can usually behead it in one cut. For another easy means to kill it, use the Crowbar combo of X + Square which will knock it down, then proceed to use a fully charged heavy attack on the downed Lurker, beheading it instantly. I am not completely sure if this works as quickly with the Steel Pipe. Will verify in a future update. --------------------------------------------- 4d. FERAL DOGS (4004) --------------------------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Knife Yes you guessed it, the knife is again the most effective weapon against Feral Dogs, and is even said so in the loading screen. X (2x) + Square is the safety combo to bring it down without damage. You can also use the complete combo of X (3x) + Square but the time you are vulnerable can allow the dog to attack you, it also slightly sends the dog away in risk you might not be able to hit it again right away. --------------------------------------------- 4e. SMOG (4005) --------------------------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Handgun Smogs are in my opinion, the most difficult normal enemy in the game to defeat by melee weapon means. I would save handgun ammo simply for killing Smogs. Before a Smog readies its poisonous gas attack, it exposes its yellow lungs for a brief second in which a direct handgun bullet will stop the attack, and send it stumbling backward. Get close to the Smog to trigger the attack again, and then repeat with a second handgun bullet to the lungs to bring it down. A shotgun is also highly effective, as one well-placed shotgun blast to the exposed lungs will kill it, but since a Smog is so easy to defeat with the handgun, I would save those bullets for other monsters, such as a Siam or Schism. You can defeat the Smog using melee weapons but it is risky and you will most likely lose some health during the battle. If you decide to use melee, try to circle strafe it as much as possible, and attack it from behind once it uses its gas attack, but do not stay in that spot for long, or you risk taking damage soon after. --------------------------------------------- 4f. NEEDLER (4006) --------------------------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Knife + Fireaxe Combo, Shotgun Needlers are right below Smogs as the most difficult normal enemies in the game. Unlike other enemies, Needlers can block attacks from the front using their claws, and will counterattack you from blocked strikes. This makes striking from the back the most useful position to defeat a Needler. Fortunately, its attacks are predictable, usually using a side swipe which is easily dodged and can put you behind the monster if you use a direction with the dodge. Begin each encounter with a Needler by immediately using a full knife combo with a fully charged spin cut >at the front of the Needler<. You will usually get this off before the Needler swipes you, knocking it to the ground. It will block most of your attacks, don't be concerned by this, it's suppose to. Now here is the tricky part, once the Needler is knocked to the ground, equip your Fireaxe. Use a fully-charged heavy attack on the downed needler. Now wait for it to get up, and press Square. Instead of using a heavy attack, Alex will use the axe fatality 100% of the time on it. This strategy is flawless and you should not take any damage at all. Sometimes you get lucky and can continously hit a Needler from the side or the back giving it very little time to turn to you and block your attacks this is one of the great things about the knife, if this happens, just keep doing full knife combos on the Needler without charged heavy attacks to bring it down quickly. If you don't want to deal with using melee weapons, dodge and get behind the Needler and shoot it with a well-placed shotgun blast. The game recommends using a Handgun and aiming at the head, which is probably harder than it seems, especially since you only have a brief time to aim at its head. --------------------------------------------- 4g. SIAM (4007) --------------------------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Knife (as if you figured anything else), Shotgun, Handgun Siam's are the intimidating huge monsters that do large amounts of damage if they connect with a hit. Fortunately, their slow speed means for predictable dodging. The back of the Siam, aka the 'female side' of it is the most vulnerable part for damage. As much dodging and getting behind it is important. If it attempts to punch you, dodge to the side and slash two times in its back, most of the time it will attempt to follow up with an unexpected rear strike, but if you only hit twice, you will be able to roll away from the attack. It also seems to go in slow motion from your slashes, make it easier to predict. Sometimes the Siam will slump over from the attacks to the back allowing you some moments to really punish it. Rinse and repeat the dodge + counterattack strategy until its dead, it usually tries the same moves over and over. Sometimes, it will turn its back and run away from you, why it does this I'm not sure, but as soon as you see this, equip the handgun or rifle and fire off as many rounds as you can into its back, this can kill it quite easily. The shotgun also can bring it down very easily and with little effort, 3 shotgun blasts to the front will bring the monster down, and even less if you manage to shoot it in the back. --------------------------------------------- 4h. SCHISM (4008) --------------------------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Knife, Shotgun A Schism is another fairly difficult monster that will try to work around you and will counter your attacks whenever possible. It has long range attacks and deadly attacks that knock you over as well. The best weapon to use to prevent it from countering is of course, the knife, or the shotgun. If you are choosing to use the knife, ONLY use the X (x2) + Square combo (uppercut finisher), then repeat the combo as quickly as you can. This usually keeps the Schism on lockdown until you kill it. It may attempt to counter you after a combo but the speed of the knife should prevent that. Avoid using any charge attacks and the complete knife combo, as tempting as it is, it leaves you open. If possible, try to corner it near a wall as it becomes a lot easier if the mob tries to step back. The shotgun is the easy method to beat these guys; one well-placed close range shotgun blast will bring one down in one shot, two if the shot was bad. --------------------------------------------- 4i. ORDER SOLDIER (4009) --------------------------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Any melee weapon for melee type, handgun/rifle for firearm type Some people consider the Order Soldiers to be the hardest enemy in the game; I actually consider them one of the easiest. While they will try to use 'tactics' against you such as dodging your strikes, that only proves effective for one of your swings. They focus too much on counterattacking that if you put on a heavy offense you can defeat them without taking any damage. The ones wielding firearms can be trickier but defeating them with a handgun or rifle of your own works best. As usual, I use the knife here, but I tested this strategy with both the pipe and the fireaxe so it's safe to assume any melee besides maybe the circular saw works well here. Begin by doing your maximum light attack combo, then follow up with a fully charged heavy attack. Yes you heard me right; take the 'chance' here. They will stand there and not even attempt to hit you as long as you began the combo with the light attacks. I have no idea why, but it works. If successful, you will knock them over and allow you to pummel them on the ground, and repeat again. Two complete combos from the knife usually did them in, and every one ended in a fatality of Alex cutting their throat. To speed up the process, if you read my Needler strategy, you can apply it here as well. Once you knock over the soldier using the knife combo, equip the fireaxe and do charged heavy attacks on the downed foe. This will do much more damage than the knife, and will allow for a quick fatality once he gets up. The ones wielding a firearm are a bit tougher because they will very frequently weapon bash you, so frequently to the point they almost prevent you from doing melee attacks. The simple way to counter this is to use either the handgun or rifle and headshot them until they die, simple, but effective and easy way to dispose of them. You can melee them, but be prepared to dodge their very quick weapon bash after your combo. Do not attempt to use any charged heavy attacks. =================================================================V. V. Bosses (5000) ================================================================= ------------------------- 5a. SEPULCHER (5001) ------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Your melee weapon of choice. Sepulcher is an easy first boss with plenty of room to maneuver and even take cover behind. In this first form he will mostly try to punch you away, or slam the ground and hit you with debris. You will notice many of these bag-type objects all surrounding the boss. These are your first targets. Also take note of the shelves placed at the edges of the area as well, Alex is able to hide behind these shelves, which the monster will then punch, usually causing it to become disoriented for a few moments. This gives you time to hack away at one of the bags. Any weapon works particularly well here, I'd go for either the knife or the fireaxe. Use your best combos and end with combo with a fully charged heavy attack to make short work of each hanging bag. Sepulcher's attacks are also predictable so if you see him readying his punch attack or the ground pound, be ready to dodge. Besides that, there isn't much else to worry about on the first form. Once all the bags are destroyed, the boss will shift into a second form. Now you'll be face-to-face with the boss with much less cover to provide. You will now have to defeat the boss up front, but fortunately his attacks are still predictable. I would recommend switching to the fireaxe now if you weren't already. Pretty much all of Sepulcher's attacks is a side swipe with either arm, when you see it coming, dodge around the arm and immediately follow up by pressing X or Square, if done correctly, Alex will counter attack the monster's arm right after the dodge. Try to stand as far away from the monster as possible, it will usually go for a pound attack, and if you dodge, the monsters arm appears to become stuck for a brief moment, if you attack during this time, that usually knocks the monster to the floor. After two assaults on the head when the monster is down, Alex can perform a fatality to end the fight. ------------------------- 5b. SCARLET (5002) ------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Crowbar/Fireaxe (first form), Knife (second form) If you were like me at this point, you may not have many healing items at all for Scarlet. I had to manage a way to beat Scarlet with half health and no healing what so ever. Fortunately, beating Scarlet is mastering the dodge and counterattack system for the first form, and just keeping her on lockdown with the knife the second form. Begin the first fight by equipping the Crowbar, if you missed it, the Fireaxe. Scarlet's main attack is a swipe attack usually with her right hand. If you remember from Sepulcher, he did the same thing. However Scarlet is a lot faster and may take a few times to really anticipate her attack. Sidestep dodge the attack, then quickly counterattack on her leg. Get a few hits off as well before she tries to attack you again. Sometimes she throws you a curveball and will go for a double swipe if she misses, you can tell this is coming as she has a brief charge by holding her hand back before she does. Again, practice (which may mean dying a few times as a result) will make perfect to understand her attack pattern. You have two layers of her legs to chip off before you can actually start knocking her over. Once all 2 parts on both legs are broken, your attacks will now knock her to the ground. She will not attack when she collapses so take this time to unleash charged attacks on her arms. Once she rises up, repeat the process of dodging and counterattacking on her legs until she falls again. Once both arms are destroyed, she will change forms. Now she will become a lot more agile and can even move across the ceiling to surprise you. Have Alex keep his weapon readied so you can auto-target Scarlet moving across the ceiling. When she is over you, keep rolling backward to lessen the risk of her jumping right on top of you. Once she comes down to the ground now you must prepare for all out offense. Equip the knife and quickly get close to her, doing your knife combo as quickly as you can, meaning do not charge any attacks. She may move positions after an attack or try to counter you but keep following her and just lying on the knife combos continuously. To put it bluntly: the knife messes her up. If done well, you will not take any damage at all this form. The fight will end once you initiate the fatality prompt when it appears. ------------------------- 5c. ASPHYXIA (5003) ------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Your most comfortable melee weapon and firearm. Asphyxia is essentially an alteration of Scarlet with more moves, but a lot more freedom where you can strike. Overall she is an easy boss that you can either defeat effectively using melee or a firearm, in particular the shotgun. Like the bosses before her, she will usually go for two side sweeps with her arms, and sometimes finishing it off with an uppercut. Countering her swings with your dodges is again the most effective way to defeat the boss. Her weakness is her tail which usually just one strike will bring her down into a temporary stunned state, at this point you can unleash some charged attacks. She will also frequently go for tail lunges or tail sweeps which you can also dodge with proper timing, allowing you to counter attack on her tail. Since the fight is again more about dodging and counter attacking on her tail to stun her, the fireaxe works well here for pure damage, but if you are like me and feel most comfortable with the knife, which works well here too. Any melee weapon should get the job done. If you are sitting on a lot of shotgun shells you can try blasting her at mid-range and running away/back rolling when needed, you have a pretty open area, about the same as the Scarlet fight to maneuver. After enough damage you will be given the fatality prompt to end the fight. ------------------------- 5d. CURTIS (5004) ------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): Anything Curtis is more of a mini-boss than a real boss, but I decided to include him in this section. Curtis is basically just a beefed-up version of an Order Soldier, wielding a Circular Saw. If you actually have the Circular Saw then you'll know how much of a slow weapon it is, making this fight an easy one. If you are going for the melee approach, equip the knife and treat the fight like a normal fight against an Order Soldier, do your full combo and go for as many fully charged heavy attacks to stun him. Sometimes he does not get stunned and may go for a charged up attack of his own, fortunately all his attacks are predictable and are easily dodged should you even need to. The easiest approach to this fight is to use your handgun. If you've been following the melee strategies against the other order members, you should have plenty of handgun bullets left. Simply keep headshotting Curtis to keep him staggering back, it is possible to beat him this way without him ever damaging you, let alone even getting near you. ------------------------- 5e. AMINON (5005) ------------------------- Effective Weapon(s): All your firearm arsenal, your favorite melee weapon You've finally made it! The final boss of Homecoming, beating this boss using melee can be challenging but if you have plenty of spare health drinks and first aid kits, feel free to go all out on this boss, it will all go to waste on your next play otherwise. If going for the firearm approach, begin with either the handgun or the rifle, you are given plenty of room for this fight so maintain as much distance as you can, the first form is more challenging to aim at, so place your shots well. Consecutive well-placed shots can stun her and send her retreating back momentarily. If she manages to get near you, try to run in a circle around the room, she will tend to use a spit attack that only shoots in one direction, giving you ample time to shoot at her side. Once the first form is defeated, she will transform into a more agile form, with more reach on her claws. However, she exposes her body in full which allows you to aim a lot easier. Maintain the same strategy at the first form and blast her with whatever weapon you still have ammo for. Keep your distance and run as much as possible. Eventually she will stagger to the floor, allowing you to finish her with a fatality using the knife. If deciding to do this with a melee approach you'll be in for a greater challenge but not much more than any of the others. If you are skilled with the dodging system by now, you'll have no problems with this boss. Equip your preferred melee weapon and circle around her first with some distance, try not to be tempted into rushing her head on. Eventually she will try to spit acid at you which is easily dodged, and gives you time to get close and start hacking away with your weapon. Her main defense against your assault is swatting you away with one of her legs, or a very predictable leap attack in which she'll jump high into the air and slam down on you. You should easily be able to back roll out of that and continue the assault, the swipe is a bit harder to anticipate but still very doable. The second form is actually easier to defeat with melee means, she gets stunned easily from your attacks, and usually will try to get you away by either moving back quickly or raising her claws up and bringing them down upon you, this is also predictable and a side roll easily dodges it. She can also do the swipe attacks which by now you should be pro at dodging considering every boss uses this attack very often. When you've won, she will fall to the ground, allowing you to perform the fatality, and end the game. Congratulations! ================================================================= VI. CONTACT INFO (6000) ================================================================= If you need to contact me, my e-mail is Here are things you should contact me about: - Grammatical/spelling issues in the FAQ that need correcting. - Certain errors or inconsistencies in actual substance of the FAQ. - Telling me where this FAQ is going to be posted (see Copyright section for more on this) - Improvements to strategies, if it's very important and helpful to beat a certain boss or enemy. Things you shouldn't contact me about: - Being stuck on a boss or enemy beyond my strategies. Reason for this is GameFAQs also has some very helpful message boards where you can receive very fast help on a boss rather than waiting for my e-mail response (which I may not even respond to). Please go there if you need additional help with something. - Submitting to me your own lengthy guides and strategies. If you've read some of my other Boss FAQs I used to do this but not for this one, as I usually can't keep up with all the submissions. If you do submit to me a helpful tip I decide to post on the FAQ, I will however, give you credit.


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