Half Life 1 Cheat weapon and ammo

Console Codes

First, enable the console. Then, type the proper code into it to get the desired effect.
17 ammo for the glock pistol.give ammo_9mmclip
Ammo for the 357 magnum.give ammo_357
Ammo for the glock pistol.give ammo_9mmbox
Crossbow ammo.give ammo_crossbow
Delete Targeted Enemyimpulse 203
Eliminate Shadowsr_fullbright 1 (Replace 1 with 0 to turn them back on.)
Gives you a 357 Magnumgive weapon_python
Gives you ammo for the Egongive ammo_Egonclip
Gives you ammo for the Gaussgive ammo_Gaussclip
Gives you ammo for the MP5give ammo_9mmAR
Gives you ammo for the RPGgive ammo_RPGclip
Gives you some hand grenades.give weapon_handgrenade
Gives you some health.give item_healthkit
Gives you some laser tripmines.give weapon_tripmine
Gives you some snarks.give weapon_snark
Gives you the 357 Magnum.give weapon_357
Gives you the crossbow.give weapon_crossbow
Gives you the crowbar.give weapon_crowbar
Gives you the glock pistol.give weapon_9mmhandgun
Gives you the guass rifle.give weapon_gauss
Gives you the HEV suit.give item_suit
Gives you the hornet gun.give weapon_hornetgun
Gives you the MP5.give weapon_mp5
Gives you the rocket launcher.give weapon_rpg
Gives you the secondary ammo for the MP5give ammo_ARgrenades
Gives you the shotgun.give weapon_shotgun
Instant Weapons, Ammo, and Armorimpulse 101
Mp5 grenade ammo.give ammo_mp5grenades
Set Gravity Levelsv_gravity # (Lower numbers gives less gravity, higher gives more. Normal is 800.)
Shotgun ammo.give ammo_buckshot
Spawn Gibsimpulse 102
Spawn Marinesimpulse 76
Third Personchase_active 1
Third Person Viewthirdperson
Walk Through Wallsnoclip


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